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Sébastien Pillement Homepage

A- A+ Aa

Professor in Computer Engineering, Evolving within the ASIC research team (IETR Lab)


Topics of interests

My research activities focus on the design and the management of Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures (DRA). More precisely I investigate the following areas:
  • New approaches in dynamically reconfigurable architecture (HW and SW point of view),
  • Design of efficient and flexible interconnections,
  • Dedicated embedded operating system for DRA,
  • Fault-tolerant systems and reliability in embedded systems.
  • Hardware security in embedded systems.

Available Positions (Master, PhD, Post-doc, and Engineer)

If you are interested in any of these positions, or if you want more information, please contact me by email.

Post-doctoral position:


Master position:

Engineer internship:

Where and how to contact me

My email: Sebastien.Pillement AT

Polytech - Nantes Université
IETR Nantes - ASIC Team
rue Christian Pauc
44000 Nantes - FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0)2-40-68-30-64
Bureau : B112

Team activities

A short presentation of our research activities can be found here .


The french embedded systems community propose a classification of top ranked publications for the SoC-SiP domain. The result can be found here

UPARC Download

The "UPaRC|Ultra-Fast Power-aware Reconfiguration Controller" VHDL code can be downloaded here.